What We Do

The society raises funds to help protect the island and its flora, fauna and maintain its many historical features.   As well as raising funds we provide hands on help in the form of volunteers.

Who We Are

The Flat Holm Society is a charity that helps protect the wildlife, and historic environment, of Flat Holm Island, a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) located five miles off the coast of Cardiff in the Bristol Channel.

Several rare species of plant are found on the island including the Wild Leek, which is only found in five places in the UK, and the Wild Peony.  During Spring and Summer the island is also home to a significant breeding colony of Lesser Black-backed Gulls.  Historical features on the island include the remains of a cholera hospital and victorian and WWII gun batteries.

The day to day running and management of the island is undertaken by the Flat Holm Project.  The society supports the work of the project by raising funds and providing volunteers.

The island is accessible by boat and from March to October there is a regular schedule of day trips run from Cardiff Bay and Weston-super-Mare.

Our Aims

The aims of the Society are to secure and promote the conservation, development and improvement of Flat Holm and its features of general public amenity or historic, ecological or public interest, provided that the works of the Society relate to land over which public access is assured and are in accord with any statutes, legal conditions or bye-laws which apply.