The Future of Flat Holm Island, an update

Flat Holm Island, sunset and sustainable development

Flat Holm Island, sunset and sustainable development

In February this year Cardiff Council announced its intention to withdraw funding the running of Flat Holm Island and seek other parties or individuals to take over the day to day operational management of the island.   Since then the Flat Holm Society have actively engaged with the Council and put forward a request that the Council continued to keep the island open for this summer period to allow time for organisations interested in taking on the running of Flat Holm to formulate management proposals.

In May, Cardiff Council formally advertised for expressions of interest (EOI) from organisations interested in taking on the operational management of Flat Holm.  In response the Flat Holm Society submitted an EOI and is currently awaiting a meeting with the council to discuss their submission.

The society is seeking support from people who have skills in the following areas:

  • General Management and / or Conservation Management
  • Marketing
  • Financial Management
  • Community Knowledge and Partnership working
  • Managing Assets
  • Human Resources
  • Business Planning
  • Legal
  • Fund Raising

If you have skills in any of the above areas and can offer your time to help us secure the future of Flat Holm please email: